Jumat, 20 November 2015

PDF⋙ Satan by Lewis Sperry Chafer

Satan by Lewis Sperry Chafer


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In commenting on the book SATAN by Lewis Sperry Chafer, American minister, theologian and writer, Cyrus I. Scofield had this to say: "I sincerely wish that all believers, and especially all ministers and Christian workers, might in some way be led to read it." Lewis Sperry Chafer said, "The world has been willing to comply with the wishes and projects of Satan to the extent of ceasing to believe that he (Satan) really exists; this unbelief being most advantageous to his present undertakings. Yet the opinions of men have never changed the facts of Revelation, and, according to scripture, Satan exists." Believers will read and re-read this book, and will more clearly understand the dreadful will and plans of the arch enemy of God and man.

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