Rabu, 25 November 2015

PDF⋙ Geeks, Mush Heads and the IT Revolution: How SRA International Achieved Success over Nearly Four Decades by Ernst Volgenau

Geeks, Mush Heads and the IT Revolution: How SRA International Achieved Success over Nearly Four Decades by Ernst Volgenau

Geeks, Mush Heads and the IT Revolution: How SRA International Achieved Success over Nearly Four Decades

Geeks, Mush Heads and the IT Revolution: How SRA International Achieved Success over Nearly Four Decades by Ernst Volgenau PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

SRA International grew from one person in his home basement to more than 7,000 people and nearly $2 billion in revenue in thirty years. The firm was profitable, revenue increased every year, and it became highly admired for its values and culture. SRA was on the Fortune list of 100 Best Places to Work in America for ten consecutive years. The company’s initial public offering on the New York Stock Exchange was the sixth most successful in 2002, and the price of its stock soared. Then, at the height of success, the top management team changed twice, growth declined, the firm made a bad acquisition, and the market it served began to decrease.

SRA was sold to a private equity firm. The new owners (including the founder and author of this book) hired a dynamic young CEO who implemented changes designed to restore values, culture, and business success. As this account ends, the market was challenging, but the outlook was promising.

This book describes the lessons learned through varied phases: startup, rapid growth, changes in leadership, business problems, privatization; and it explains how high ethics and a sense of service to customers, employees, and society led to a very special company. Its intended audience is business professionals in emerging and established companies and for current and former employees and friends.

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