Kamis, 19 Maret 2015

PDF⋙ Dams and Waterways (Frameworks (Sharpe Focus)) by Cynthia Phillips, Shana Priwer

Dams and Waterways (Frameworks (Sharpe Focus)) by Cynthia Phillips, Shana Priwer

Dams and Waterways (Frameworks (Sharpe Focus))

Dams and Waterways (Frameworks (Sharpe Focus)) by Cynthia Phillips, Shana Priwer PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Dams and Waterways, a title in the five-title series Frameworks: Science, Technology, and the Built Environment, illuminates the history, architecture, environmental impact, and scientific and engineering principles behind the design and construction of dams, canals, and other waterways around the world throughout history. Examples include aqueducts in the Roman Empire, the Hoover Dam, Aswan High Dam, Three Gorges Dam, and the Erie Canal.  Dams and Waterways provides an interdisciplinary, visual approach that combines informative text, fascinating background information, and basic scientific principles with dozens of full-color photographs, illustrations, diagrams, and other visuals. It highlights the importance of structures that support essential functions of everyday life from the irrigation of crops to the generation of hydroelectric power. Appropriate for a broad audience of students, teachers, librarians, and general interest readers, Dams and Waterways is an excellent supplemental resource for subjects covered throughout the curricula: science, technology, and society; art and architecture; economics; and world history and culture.

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