Into God's Presence: Prayer in the New Testament (McMaster New Testament Studies)
Into God's Presence: Prayer in the New Testament (McMaster New Testament Studies) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The Christian life cannot be fully understood or experienced without first grasping the importance of prayer. Yet prayer, as it is found in the Christian scriptures, has received limited attention as a topic of study. Into God's Presence explores the nature and use of prayer throughout the entire New Testament. Written by twelve leading biblical scholars with diverse confessional perspectives, this insightful volume first discusses Christian prayer in relation to prayer in the Old Testament, the Greco-Roman world, first-century Judaism, and the Dead Sea Scrolls. The rest of the book takes an instructive look at prayer as it appears from Matthew to Revelation, with special attention given to Jesus as an exemplar and teacher of prayer. "Speaking of prayer in the New Testament... 12 biblical scholars including N.T. Wright and David Aune offer the anthology Into God's Presence: Prayer in the New Testament, exploring the topic by first examining prayer in the Jewish tradition, in the Greco-Roman world and in the Dead Sea Scrolls. The essays then discuss prayer in the Gospels and the Pauline Epistles, ending (of course!) with a coda essay on prayer in the Book of Revelation." - Publishers WeeklyFrom reader reviews:
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