Quantitative Development of Operations Research and Management Science: Volume 3: Classic Examples and Commentary (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science) by Heiner Müller-Merbach
Quantitative Development of Operations Research and Management Science: Volume 3: Classic Examples and Commentary (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science) by Heiner Müller-Merbach PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCE will provide—for the first time—a historical context for the entire field of Operations Research/Management Science. This enables each researcher, student, and practitioner to put their own work (which is only part of the broader OR/MS domain in the Applied Sciences) into a historical perspective.
OPERATIONS RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCE: A History of the New Approach to Problems (Volume 1) provides a broad understanding including the OR/MS approach to problems, the scope of problem-solving methodologies across the specific methodologies in the field and the modeling advances with the appropriate mathematical tools illustrated. The dynamic, continually developing nature of OR/MS is stressed throughout the volumes.
QUALITATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF OR/MS (Volume 2) outlines the development of the qualitative (non-mathematical) approach to OR/MS. The writings of the founding and leading thinkers and scholars in the qualitative stream are excerpted with Müller-Merbach’s editorial commentary linking these facets of the OR/MS into sequential stages of its historical development. The volume outlines the qualitative aspect of OR/MS in the historical context of the field.
QUANTITATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF OR/MS (Volume 3) charts the development of the quantitative advances (progress) in OR/MS. The contributions of the pioneers and leading research scholars in the quantitative school will be excerpted with Müller-Merbach’s editorial commentary linking these facets of OR/MS into sequential stages of its historical development. The volume uses the classical work of the pioneers to better understand the current state-of-the-art in the quantitative school.
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