The Law of Reinsurance: Mainwork and Supplement by Terry O'Neill, Jan Woloniecki
The Law of Reinsurance: Mainwork and Supplement by Terry O'Neill, Jan Woloniecki PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Contaminated land has been an issue of concern to lawyers for some years, but not until 1 April 2000 has there been a specific legal regime dealing with it. Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 constitutes such a regime, of formidable complexity. Contaminated Land: the New Regime provides a comprehensive guide for all involved with the new system, whether advising the enforcement authorities of those who may be liable for clean-up costs. The Act and its supporting Guidance raise many difficult problems of interpretation and practical implementation, which are explored in this book. Readers will find help in understanding the legislation, in deciding whether land is or is not "contaminated", and in pursuing or responding to enforcement action. A number of key precedents and source materials are reproduced, so that everything the practitioner needs is to hand. * Full analysis of, and authoritative commentary on, each aspect of the legislation and subsequent guidance * Lucid explanation of exactly what the new system requires * Clear guidance on the procedures for notices, enforcement and appeals * Examination of what the obligations and potential liabilities are of landowners and occupiers * Straightforward assessment of how "innocent" parties, who have purchased or which to purchase land which has been contaminated are affectedFrom reader reviews:
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