Rabu, 30 April 2014

PDF⋙ Social-spatial segregation: Concepts, processes and outcomes

Social-spatial segregation: Concepts, processes and outcomes

Social-spatial segregation: Concepts, processes and outcomes

Social-spatial segregation: Concepts, processes and outcomes PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This edited volume brings together leading researchers from the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe to look at the processes leading to segregation and its implications. With a methodological focus, the book explores new methods and data sources that can offer fresh perspectives on segregation in different contexts. It considers how the spatial patterning of segregation might be best understood and measured, outlines some of the mechanisms that drive it, and discusses its possible social outcomes. Ultimately, it demonstrates that measurements and concepts of segregation must keep pace with a changing world. This volume will be essential reading for academics and practitioners in human geography, sociology, planning and public policy.

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