Handbook of Income Distribution. Vol 2B, Volume 2B (Handbook of Economics)
Handbook of Income Distribution. Vol 2B, Volume 2B (Handbook of Economics) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
What new theories, evidence, explanations, and policies have shaped our studies of income distribution in the 21st century?
Editors Tony Atkinson and Francois Bourguignon assemble the expertise of leading authorities in this survey of substantive issues. In two volumes they address subjects that were not covered in Volume 1 (2000), such as education, health and experimental economics; and subjects that were covered but where there have been substantial new developments, such as the historical study of income inequality and globalization. Some chapters discuss future growth areas, such as inheritance, the links between inequality and macro-economics and finance, and the distributional implications of climate change. They also update empirical advances and major changes in the policy environment.
- The volumes define and organize key areas of income distribution studies
- Contributors focus on identifying newly developing questions and opportunities for future research
- The authoritative articles emphasize the ways that income mobility and inequality studies have recently gained greater political significance
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